Friday, 27 December 2013

Who will help me understand?

Have you ever loved so deeply?
Ever loved with every bit of you?
Ever loved to the extent that it scares you?

So much that you cannot fathom an end to that love?
Ever loved and tried to hate at the same time?
Do you know how possible that is?
Ever loved so much that it hurts?
And when it hurts it hurts really bad?
Loving until you're angry at that love?
Angry that you can love so much and get hurt so badly,
Angry because that love makes you lose control,
You stop thinking sometimes during this love,
Irrational,emotional angry love,
Compassionate,wholesome,deep love!

I have heard stories,read books,watched movies of love,
Stories where the odds have been beaten and love triumphs,
Stories of difficulties,yet love triumphed,
All those I heard,read and watched...
Until those stories became me,
I have seen difficulty in love,
Yet I have seen passion,patience,resilience,
I have seen what it means to fight for what you love,
Fight for who you love,
I have been in that place where you don't want to see that person you love,
And days when you wake up craving even the very scent of them,
Days you want to hurt the person you love,
Hurt them because they hurt you,
Days you wake up and you want to tell them how sorry you are for hurting them,
How you  just want to cover them with all your loving,
Days when you cry over them,
They cry over you and it breaks your heart,it pains every part of you to hear them cry,
Days when you laugh together,you laugh so much you get dizzy,
Days you're friends with each other,
I'm talking about those days you burst out laughing on your own when you remember something funny they did or didn't do,

Who can understand this thing called love?
They say it makes the world go round..
Does it?No really...does it?
I know that if I stopped loving,
And if they stopped loving me,
My world would wouldn't go round anymore..even if for a short while,it would stop.
So maybe they were right..they..whoever they is,
Maybe love makes the world go round,
Everyone's little world,

Maybe they went through all these,
The dynamics,
the ups,
the downs,
the roller coasters of love,
falling in love,
being in love,
falling out...
This thing!

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