Saturday, 16 May 2020

Gentlemen listen to me-Girls! Need! Their! Fathers!

She was the apple of her father's eye,quite spoilt and the dictionary definition of a daddy's girl. This was most evident on days he would drop her and her brother at school,obviously late and would proceed to apologize to the school head right in the middle of assembly.
She always knew she was protected and very loved.He never raised a finger on her.

Friday, 1 May 2020

Threatened miscarriages

They kept talking. It was their second born child. You could tell that they were friends. They brought her tea, she drank water instead. He drank her tea. Her heavy breathing continued,she kept talking in between. I could almost feel her pain, almost felt myself contracting as well.

Kind-a Traffic Updates By Karambu Luruti

Written in a May 2017 Facebook post;edited in June 2020 OTC. The first time I saw this word I was seated in Pangani Girls High School. Fo...