Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Jeff, Sharing Is Caring

It‘s a normal Saturday,nothing fancy happening.

My 2year old son is playing outside with our tenants‘ 3year old boy.

I‘m washing mum‘s moti about to take it for a spin when the 3year old comes to me wailing..

‘‘Mama Jeff!!Jeff ameninyang‘anya..‘‘(points at a toy car that actually belongs to Jeff which Jeff is furiously holding)

‘‘Jeff..patia mtoto toy acheze kidogo akurudishie,’’ I say to Jeff.

"Mtoto..shika toy!," Jeff says while,albeit reluctantly and frowning,handing the toy to the other little guy and the play session continues.

So the day is saved thanks to Mama J who‘s just taught her son to call older kids ‘mtoto‘..*hides*...but he‘s also learning to share!!

Case Of The Messy Feeder

Lately he‘s been expressing great interest in spoonfeeding himself.During these times however,the spoon frequently has a way of landing anywhere else but his mouth!We end up with a feeder soaked in porridge after most porridge sessions.

Sometimes my impatient nature takes the best of me and I just want to feed him-it's faster and less


BUT little man is growing!So I will allow the feeder to get messy..together with his cheeks...and the dining table...and his clothes...and his hands..and the floor..sometimes even me...basically everything within a one metre radius!!Because that is how they learn,that is how they grow these little ones.


So Mama Jeff gets home;yea at some point you catch on with your son's newly found habit of referring to oneself in the third person.So anyway I get home and little man and I head for our normal bonding session in my room.

I plan to do my nails-polish them and what not-both toe and finger nails and the agenda is to teach babyboy that tutex,as he calls it,is for girls and not boys.

Of Spell Checking,Biros and Notebooks

So little man is all about biros and writing of late and I've decided this evening I'll get him a 'rough book' and hand him a biro so that he can write or is it doodle away:D

I walk to our book shelf and guess what I come across?A little notebook with my handwriting in it,with different dates in 1996;that was Class Two for Mama Jeff.

Kind-a Traffic Updates By Karambu Luruti

Written in a May 2017 Facebook post;edited in June 2020 OTC. The first time I saw this word I was seated in Pangani Girls High School. Fo...