Monday, 20 May 2013

A dream.I dream for you!

Please introduce yourself:
My name is Karambu Luruti. The D is silent. There's a Carolyne somewhere in there but really!Why did they name me Carolyne?My parents that is.It's such a common name.We had seven if not more Carolyne's in my class in my first primary school. "Carolyne," the teacher would call out, and seven girls would rise.Okay, I made that up.We were referred to by our last names-the Carolyne's that is. So that's why I prefer Karambu, not too many have that name. Most people call me that anyway.You're wondering where this is going eeihh?Well nowhere really.Just a dramatic introduction.
Welcome to today's blogpost!

So I'm Karambu Luruti.And Jesus is my personal Savior!Hahaaa!Feels so good to be say that.Wonna hear it again?!
Yes personal.Meaning?He is a part of me. He is the one I run to in the privacy of my closet.When I'm broken,wounded.When I'm joyful,happy.Personal.He runs my life. Not because He forced Himself on me but because He lovingly drew me unto Himself.In my sin He found me.When I was lost and running away from Him, running towards destruction, death. He chased after me. When I was busy wasting a great deal of my life, he still protected me,surrounded me.Haha!What love! Jesus keeps my wheels turning.Oh yes He does!
In His love,so big,He came and died.So that I may die no more.That I may have life.And abundantly so!What joy!
Best part is you too can make Him yours!Your Personal!You can let Him spin your rims!This is not your average guy next door you're allowing to run your life.It is that guy that walked on water.Mad cool stuff right there!The guy that multiplied bread and fish!He still does.Blessing our lives with great things and people.The guy responsible for creation.The guy who makes all of ya'll go to school to understand the human anatomy.That guy!The Guy!
Think about it!

As a parent you dream for your child. (When did I become a parent again?The realities that sometimes refuse to sink in,albeit two and a half years later.)
You dream that they will develop a great personality.That they will be lovable and be able to interact with people around them easily.
You go on to dream that they will attain academic excellence.That they will be outstanding even. 
You dream that they will have great talents,discover them at an early stage and work on them.Utilize them.
You dream that they will have good morals,be principled.
Above all you dream that they will be God fearing.That they will love God with a love so intense.That they will be excited about the things of God.Serve Him and walk closely with Him.
But sometimes,this dreams become blurred. Sometimes the child disappoints, I have disappointed my  mother many a time.Sometimes they will make you cry. My mum has shed tears because of me.Sometimes they will downright piss you off.
But I still dare to dream.I dream that this little boy will rise to great levels in his life. So I get on my knees and pray for myself- that I'll set a good example for him.I pray for him.For his present and his future.That the dream will become a reality.
Woman!Mother!Mother to be!Get on your knees and pray for the fruit of your womb!!The fruit yet to come.The fruit already here!


  1. :-) Wow.... You write really well my dear... I thank God for you...

  2. Thankyou mware.Bless you!
    And thankyou for reading:)

  3. Beautiful! God bless you for sharing.I echo "Kellen's" words, you write really well.

  4. \o/...Thankyou girlie.Hugs many!


Kind-a Traffic Updates By Karambu Luruti

Written in a May 2017 Facebook post;edited in June 2020 OTC. The first time I saw this word I was seated in Pangani Girls High School. Fo...