Wednesday, 14 August 2013


I got on my knees to pray for you today mama and I was engulfed by a love so deep that I began to cry.
I wasn't crying because I was sad.
Just happy and full of joy.

To have a person so dear in my life,
Someone so consistent in the way that they have loved me.
Someone who loved me deeply,unconditionally,
Someone who knew my greatest faults yet accepted me.
Mama today I cried,
Because I realized that without you I would not have been who I am today.
I have learnt to love others,how to be patient and how to be a mother all because of you.
Mama today I cried,
I have learnt to give, because I have watched you give selflessly to me,your child, and to other people around you,
Mama today I cried,
I have learnt basics about womanhood just by watching you be a woman.
Mama today I cried,
24 years ago you carried me in your womb,
9months straight,
Nausea,back pains,raging hormones.
The moments I kicked too hard,you did not mind me,
Even when I gave you severe heartburn,
You still carried me on.
Mama today I cried,
When I think about the sacrifices you have made,
Just so that you would raise me,
Mama today I cried
I remembered the prayers you have made for me,the tears you have cried because of me,
Your love mama can be compared to no other.
I am grateful that I have you,
I am grateful that you are my friend,
I cry,
 I cry because I am happy to be called your child mama.

For Willis Gitonga.       




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