"Good morning boys and girls!"
"Good morning Mrs.Otieno!"
Baby boy does a mimic of his class teacher in the most hilarious way.Today he was at it again at the breakfast table.
"Good morning boys and girls?"..he started in between chomps.
"Apana baby...it's not time for jokes." I interrupted him. "The bus will leave you if you don't finish your breakfast on time."
"Sawa mum...wacha nikuambie ingine moja tu basi".
"Good morning boys with brothers"
And I sat transfixed for a couple.
Who in this world taught him that?Surely he can't be campaigning for a brother already.He had to have heard someone say that.It has to be our tenants' kid.I know his mum is abouta pop soon so he must be the one instilling such absurd thoughts into baby boy's mind.
I quite really laughed it off..was tempted to have him repeat it but I couldn't master any courage.
Baby boy..no brother is coming anytime soon..
Reminded me of how at some point(before I went through the grueling pain of childbirth-uum sorry all ya'll not yet mums out there-I don't mean to scare you)...back to the point.how I knew I wanted to have four babies...and all boys. All boys because there is nothing as cool as being a woman surrounded by men who will look out for you, love and protect you.The reasons people have behind wanting some things-I know.Maybe I get it from being the only girl among my siblings..
So after that grueling experience I cut down that ambition into half.I want two boys..not two more but two in total.
But not to say that I shall not love that baby girl if she comes..I'm sure we'll have enough fun girl experiences as she grows.Up until she hits teenage hood and starts to think I'm her worst enemy.Growing up!
Last evening I was tasked with shopping for a shirt (as a gift) for one of our colleagues who happens to be leaving the branch.Which I successfully managed to do and went to get it wrapped up like a proper gift should be.I kept thinking oh gosh people must think I'm a valentine's day fanatic...already buying and wrapping gifts three days to the D-Day..So I threw the wrapped thingie into the shopping bag and walked off real quick.
Think what you may fellow shoppers
I got home and baby boy's eyes lit up..thinking his birthday had come again..or is it early..choose one.
"Mum umeniletea gift," he yelled excitedly.It was yanked off my hands before I could reply.
"Wacha niifungue" he continued.
Kids-their actions not only speak louder, but also faster than their words.By the time he said the last e in fungue..one flap of the wrapper was already dislodged.
One of the most cruel things you can do to a child is snatch a gift from them.Especially when they have already decided it is theirs
.But evil mum had to do what she had to do.
"Daddy hii gift si yako..nitakuletea yako kesho, sawa?" Lies.
He broke down.These children sure know how to send us on guilt trips.I had to cuddle him and calm him down.He went quiet eventually but kept throwing longing glances at the hanging shopping bag.
Come to think of it, if this had happened tonight I'd have told him his baby brother is wrapped in that little box and that we had to live him there for the night .Of course he'd have woken up to find no mum and no baby brother.
And we all know out of sight is out of mind.
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