Thursday, 7 November 2013


Mama has been away for some time.She called me on Tuesday.

"Hi Bambu!" (She calls me Bambu sometimes.Short form for Karambu.Bambu.Some nicknames!)
    Hi my mother! (Sometimes I call her Our mother)
"Mbona umeninyamazia hivyo.You seem low of late.What's up?"
    Hahaa mum.Me niko si we talked on Sunday.
"But we usually talk everyday"
    We've just missed one day..*giggles* (ooh to be loved by your mother)
"Uko sure uko sawa?Ama ulifutwa kazi na husemi?Ama boyfriend alikupiga boot-ie??"
(I laugh so hard at this point that I have to calm myself down since I was at work.)
     Aii apana mum..niko job hata na hakuna mtu ameniboot.(More laughter-who still says kupigwa boot-ie??)

That's my mummy for you.She makes the randomest jokes.

I remember a while ago she was out gardening and she walked into the house frantically asking if anyone had seen her phone.
Bambu niflash tafadhali.Sioni simu.
So being the dutiful daughter I am, I flash her.We hear it ringing and guess where it's ringing from:HER HEAD!She had tied it on her head scarf and it was dangling at the back.
We laughed and laughed and laughed then I told her she would never hear the end of it.With a serious face.And here I am blogging about it.

She's a wonderful person that lady.

There is a word she introduced in our house years back that my brothers and I frequently use. "KALULU" I'm sure you all have those words in your households whose meaning no one else knows. Kalulu simply means a trickster or a dodgy person,sneaky even,not straightforward.
Seems my son has caught on the word.He's also caught on a very sneaky habit of hiding when he's caught doing something he knows he shouldn't be.
The other day I left him in my room for a couple and when I got back he was holding my glass of juice.He quickly set it down when he heard me and ran off to hide behind the seat.
    "Jeff ulikua unafanya?"I ask,more addressing the sofa than the boy. 
"Hakuna" is his innocent answer.
   "Toka hapo nikuone." He gully creeps out.
"Ulikua unafanya?" 
    "Hakuna!" and he even lifts his hands in the air.Probably in a hope to signify that his hands were not busy a few minutes ago.
Sometimes I promise you it's so difficult to discipline your kid without bursting into laughter.They get so cute these ones.
"Jeff wewe umekua kalulu siku hizi!"I say to him with my makeshift stern face,all the while pointing at him. 
"Apaaaana me sio kalulu!!Me ni mjanjaaa" and he goes to pout.
How do you reply to that one?


Have a lovely Thursday good people!

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