Friday, 9 May 2014

Kendi means Loved One

''One of the things that amazes me is that all we, as humans, know how to do, is sin.We wake up in the morning and just begin to sin," she said to me.

The day was Tuesday,April 29th,2014
The time: a while after 7.00pm. 
Location: Java, Koinange Street.

A few minutes before seven I texted both to tell her I was walking towards the place and to find out where she was.(Isn't it difficult to walk-text.What with this Nairobi where goons could sneak up on you and snatch your phone,doesn't matter whether they come from the front or the back.Poof!Now you see it now you don't!)

She said she was already at  Java.I felt like I was late.I don't like it when people have to wait for me.So I hurried my step. It had been a year since we met eye to eye.We spoke many times in between just never met.(There had however been several attempts to meet though-busy schedules!)Surely if I kept her waiting too long, a few minutes would be added to that year.I couldn't fathom it.

I walked right in while calling her on my phone and she watched me pass right past her.Silly woman.She waited for me to get to the far end of the restaurant then she picked up her phone and told me to go back where I had just passed.Silly woman!I hugged her then sat on the opposite side of the two seater table.She was seated there reading a book.So graceful,I find her so graceful this one.

Her name is Kendi.
Kendi means loved one (correct me if I'm wrong Kendi).She is truly loveable...and....uuumm short.One of the people that make me feel all 6 footish tall.Especially when I hug her.I love to hug her.

We hit it off conversing, almost forgetting to place an order (the effects of being apart for a year) I was particularly craving chicken wings.Is it a craving if  you want it for the second time in two weeks? I think I just like the Java chicken wings. She ordered a chicken burger.

She told me I had lost weight. I checked her tummy,asked her if she was hiding anything.She said she wasn't and we laughed.I asked her when, she said soon.
I told her I hadn't lost weight.She said I had.I said I hadn't.She said I had.I said I hadn't, "It's just that you haven't seen me for a year." But she was right.I have lost weight.Not too much,but it's noticeable.

I asked her how her hubby is. She said he's fine.And she asked me how my son was."He's fine.All grown,going to school,telling me stories everyday." I told her it's so weird sometimes for me.Like when did he grow up so fast??? Watching them grow can be overwhelming.

We started talking about personality types at some point into the evening.

As most of us know,there are four temperaments.

We personalized these conversation and she described a lot about herself that fell directly into one of the personality types.She is a Phlegmatic.

I've decided to throw in (read copy paste) a bit about this personality types from the net.An attempt to be educational in my blog.(For those who have no clue what I'm going on about.)

 People with this temperament tend to be playful, lively, sociable, carefree, talkative, and pleasure-seeking. They may be warm-hearted and optimistic. They can make new friends easily, be imaginative and artistic, and often have many ideas.They can be flighty and changeable; thus sanguine personalities may struggle with following tasks all the way through and be chronically late or forgetful.

People with this temperament tend to be egocentric and extroverted. They may be excitable, impulsive, and restless, with reserves of aggressionenergy, and/or passion, and try to instill that in others. 
They tend to be task-oriented people and are focused on getting a job done efficiently; their motto is usually "do it now." They can be ambitious, strong-willed and like to be in charge. They can show leadership, are good at planning, and are often practical and solution-oriented.They appreciate receiving respect and esteem for their work.[

 People with this temperament may appear serious, introverted, cautious or even suspicious. They can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world and are susceptible to depression and moodiness. They may be focused and conscientious. They often prefer to do things themselves, both to meet their own standards and because they are not inherently sociable.

 People with this temperament may be inward and private, thoughtful, reasonable, calm, patient, caring, and tolerant. They tend to have a rich inner life, seek a quiet, peaceful atmosphere, and be content with themselves. They tend to be steadfast, consistent in their habits, and thus steady and faithful friends.

I came across another site that describes the four personality types in different areas of their lives, their strengths and weaknesses.It's been done in very short descriptions so it won't be too tasking to read.Check it out>>>Personality explained

It is believed that everyone has all four but one dominates more than the rest.
I am a Sanguine-Choleric.
What's yours?

My friend Kendi shares the same personality type as someone else really dear to me.Except he's a he.And as she spoke I began to understand why this he behaves the way he does sometimes.Because I fail to understand him at times.It helped me put myself in his shoes,which is something I have also failed to do for a very long time.Wondering who it is to me nicely!

So we ate our burgers and wings,laughed and time to step out came.Waiter brings us the bill and I pick it up because I want to pay.She looks at me badly and says she will pay.I tell her I will pay. Kendi always took me for lunch when I was a little campus girl (okay just 2 years ago) and I used to tell myself when I grow up I have to take the woman for lunch and pay the bill.So here I was grown up and paying the bill albeit at dinner.And I will do it over!

''One of the things that amazes me is that all we, as humans, know how to do, is sin.We wake up in the morning and just begin to sin," she said to me. Her message to me that day was that failing to be perfect is not really a failure because in essence it is impossible.It's the effort to strive to get up once we fall/fail that matters.

Did I mention she is one of the most intelligent friends I have.She's one of those that will leave you mentally challenged;at least that's what I feel every time I am around her.
She also used to write me letters when I was in primary school and high school.You can calculate how may years she has been my friend.

We then went pushing trolleys at Nakumatt Lifestyle because I had house shopping to do.She bought lotion for her hubby.I can't wait to buy lotion for my hubby.Our date ended way into 9pm or was it 10pm.

Love you loved one!


  1. A big her to bits!
    ....and karambu.... all grown up.mighty proud of you dear


Kind-a Traffic Updates By Karambu Luruti

Written in a May 2017 Facebook post;edited in June 2020 OTC. The first time I saw this word I was seated in Pangani Girls High School. Fo...