Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Beneath my beautiful.

Sometimes we are good at doing some things but we may not realise it.We may need people around us to point out what they see in us;that which we ourselves cannot see.Or at times we may be too afraid to go all out and do what we know we're good at.Reason?The fear of failure.At times we are just really too shy to bring out the best in us.We may be afraid of what people will say,how they will view us.We are afraid that we may be fronting ourselves too much.

Monday, 29 July 2013


I designed a boshori this morning-with my neck scarf!I wrapped it once over my head down to my ears and around my neck.I sorta looked like this.Those things are really really warm!I want a real one.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

It's all in the smile!

I really really really-many really's want to check out the GENTS at our work place.Really really.I'm seated here thinking I just would really like to check in, scrutinize the place, check out and do  a happy dance for managing to pull such a ninja-ical stunt.We all need to do that some time..check into the GENTS at our workplaces.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Chivalry...he didn't die after all.

Chivalry is not dead!
I know this because I have not seen him in the obituaries.Have you?No pathologist has come forward with his postmortem results.I haven't met anyone that attended his funeral.I see chivalry everyday actually.Unless you want  to tell us that he is a dead man walking,I don't think chivalry is dead!

Kind-a Traffic Updates By Karambu Luruti

Written in a May 2017 Facebook post;edited in June 2020 OTC. The first time I saw this word I was seated in Pangani Girls High School. Fo...