Friday, 27 December 2013

Who will help me understand?

Have you ever loved so deeply?
Ever loved with every bit of you?
Ever loved to the extent that it scares you?

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Hey! I missed you!

Oh sweet blog!I have dissed you a long one.I know.I am very sorry.Here I am now.Ready to love on you and do you the justice that is the written word.As a manner of courtesy I will explain why I have been away so long.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Grown up?Grow up!

My six months of probation at work ended and I was slapped with a confirmation letter.I don't mind such slaps.Doubt anyone does.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Happy birthday to a little champ!

Happy birthday to you..happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear Jeefffff happy birthday to you.Yea that's right!Today is little man's birthday.He turns three years.Three years ago on a day like this I knew how the ceiling of a certain hospital looked like.All the details on that ceiling, I knew them!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

A little bit of this and that

I went to Sunday school on Sunday,with my son.Isn't it fascinating how Father Abraham,Making Melodies,Toa Ndugu toa Dada and all Sunday school songs have been passed from generation to generation.He sings if you're happy and you know it clap your feet and we just let him.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

You almost couldn't see him

The pile of rubbish.So large.You almost couldn't see him.The stench.You almost couldn't see him.But there he sat.Clapping his hands.Excited about something.It must have been the voices in his head.His lips moved.As if he was having a conversation with somebody There was nobody there.There beside him, a fire.I wondered who had lit it.He sat there oblivious of the world around him.Like a child in a mother's womb.Safe,unworried,comfortable.Like a brown bear hibernating.This man in Nairobi downtown.Dirty man.Unkempt man.Insane man.Half clothed man.Pitiable man.Pitiable pitiable man.

Monday, 26 August 2013

The first time!

I visited Meru over a month ago and I was greatly impressed by the City Council toilets in Meru Town (Meru Council toilets I guess). Three things :

Monday, 19 August 2013


I'm not married..but I will be..someday (insert smiley face). I came across this and thought it a nice share.So I pulled it up on this post so that when I do get married I will come and re-read it. That is if Google does not crush.On that note I think  need a back up for this blog.Hmm.(Pics randomly added by me in the hopes of distracting ya'll abit since it's kinda lengthy!)
Here goes:

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


I got on my knees to pray for you today mama and I was engulfed by a love so deep that I began to cry.
I wasn't crying because I was sad.
Just happy and full of joy.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

That handbag

I used to find it kinda cute when a guy carries his mami's handbag for her.Until today!

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Beneath my beautiful.

Sometimes we are good at doing some things but we may not realise it.We may need people around us to point out what they see in us;that which we ourselves cannot see.Or at times we may be too afraid to go all out and do what we know we're good at.Reason?The fear of failure.At times we are just really too shy to bring out the best in us.We may be afraid of what people will say,how they will view us.We are afraid that we may be fronting ourselves too much.

Monday, 29 July 2013


I designed a boshori this morning-with my neck scarf!I wrapped it once over my head down to my ears and around my neck.I sorta looked like this.Those things are really really warm!I want a real one.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

It's all in the smile!

I really really really-many really's want to check out the GENTS at our work place.Really really.I'm seated here thinking I just would really like to check in, scrutinize the place, check out and do  a happy dance for managing to pull such a ninja-ical stunt.We all need to do that some time..check into the GENTS at our workplaces.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Chivalry...he didn't die after all.

Chivalry is not dead!
I know this because I have not seen him in the obituaries.Have you?No pathologist has come forward with his postmortem results.I haven't met anyone that attended his funeral.I see chivalry everyday actually.Unless you want  to tell us that he is a dead man walking,I don't think chivalry is dead!

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Tafadhali Dereva

This is a letter to the average matatu driver.
I will not start with: Dear Average Matatu Driver. 
I will not because today, I do not feel like you are dear to me.Not when you do some annoying things repeatedly!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Natalie.......and Paul!!

She told me her name is Natalie. 
"But I'm not Natalie today.I am mum," she continued.
 I smile.

Friday, 14 June 2013


Pardon me for being on superblog mode this week. But when the inspiration to write comes,it has come!When it rains,it pours!

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Wacha kuenda na ball yangu!

Mornings are sooo beautiful.Aren't they? Aren't they? Say yes and I'll stop asking. Aren't they?...Thankyou!
I think mornings represent fresh beginnings, a new start, a different light, an alternate angle to look at things from. I think even God loves mornings.I know this because He tells the sun to show up in the morning and warm our hearts and bodies.Imagine a morning with a moon and stars.Not too energizing right? I think even birds love the morning.They sing in the morning! Mornings.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Now we're friends,now we're not

When you're a mother to an almost three year old boy, your interaction with him is filled with alot of "now we're friends,now we're not" moments.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Coming to Ameruca

It had been more than a year.
I was excited as the road converged into a two-way,no longer the four lane superhighway. The bundus, shags,upcountry was waiting for me.My mother and my elder brother inclusive. 

Monday, 27 May 2013


I don't understand.
I don't understand how a woman with long beautiful hair holds it all back.Push back is what it's called.So tightly it's held back there in a frowning knot that seems to say "Cross my path if you dare"

Monday, 20 May 2013

A dream.I dream for you!

Please introduce yourself:
My name is Karambu Luruti. The D is silent. There's a Carolyne somewhere in there but really!Why did they name me Carolyne?My parents that is.It's such a common name.We had seven if not more Carolyne's in my class in my first primary school. "Carolyne," the teacher would call out, and seven girls would rise.Okay, I made that up.We were referred to by our last names-the Carolyne's that is. So that's why I prefer Karambu, not too many have that name. Most people call me that anyway.You're wondering where this is going eeihh?Well nowhere really.Just a dramatic introduction.
Welcome to today's blogpost!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Mum!!!Hii ni dawa ya??

It's one of those days when I feel the inspiration to write, only hitch, I'm not sure what to write about.That's weird because normally, the inspiration to write comes with the knowledge of what to write.Sigh.

Friday, 10 May 2013


I had an experience of sorts as I was heading to work yesterday.I debated with myself on whether to journal it . Well we can all see how that debate ended!
This is what,as a lady,I call  the "BUMMY AFFAIR"- situations that leave you frustrated and sighing "Ooh bummer!"...(that actually sounds like Obama-ok that was totally irrelevant)
Back to the bummy..

Monday, 22 April 2013

Fatherhood!The woes!The joys...

So the other night we were all heading to our respective homes after a brief evening of unwinding in the CBD. In the car with my boyfriend and I was his good friend . A conversation about babies began. The good friend began narrating to us the woes of being  a father to a nine month old daughter.

"We work in shifts, my wife and  I,when it comes to watching over the baby," he started.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


This post will divert slightly from the norm; let's call it The Chronicles of Jeff and Tef (There smile Tef!Here's the platform where you become famous-okay for 60 seconds. This blog has views from Mongolia-that country in Central Asia nobody knows about-so please brace yourself, you may start getting calls from Mongolian girls, speaking Mongolian, then we'll need to hire a translator. The hassle!)

This is Tef >>>

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

An Emotional Wound So Raw

A good friend shared this with me and I thought I could share it best on this blog!
It gave me such deep insight on the things to come and greatly reminded me of the few experiences I've had thus far.
It also made me acquire a new deep appreciation for my mother and all the mommy's out there!
Here goes:

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Of nappy gravy and what not

Put down your eggs and coffee.I'm about to tell a disgusting story!

Several months back(lost count of how many), I bought the little guy a pottie(those things that act as toilets until the young ones are tall enough to use a water closet).

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


And so I put babyboy to bed tonight and kiss him with a whisper of, ''I love you!!!!''

I'm now in my bed meditating on the day's events. I'm taken back to this morning when I was hurriedly readying myself for work while trying to engage him in a conversation,''Jeff aki leo nivae?''

''Mmh?'' he asks with a blank look on his face.

I take two,''Leo nivae nini kwenda job baby?''

(He pauses to think)

''NGUO!!'' is his reply..a jubilant answer,hands in the air,huge grin, like he's won the lottery.


Thursday, 21 February 2013


Frequently I am asked, "How does it feel to be a mom?”

“Do you believe he's yours?He‘s so adorable!!"


Wednesday, 20 February 2013

That slippery guy,JEFF!

My son and I are in my room(our usual chilling joint).Me,on my bed browsing on my phone;him,on the ground playing with my spectacles-which I haven't noticed..uuuntil..he hands them to me with a big grin on his face,with one handle broken off..
''Carol..vunja''(yea I'm occassionally referred to by my 1st name)

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Jeff, Sharing Is Caring

It‘s a normal Saturday,nothing fancy happening.

My 2year old son is playing outside with our tenants‘ 3year old boy.

I‘m washing mum‘s moti about to take it for a spin when the 3year old comes to me wailing..

‘‘Mama Jeff!!Jeff ameninyang‘anya..‘‘(points at a toy car that actually belongs to Jeff which Jeff is furiously holding)

‘‘Jeff..patia mtoto toy acheze kidogo akurudishie,’’ I say to Jeff.

"Mtoto..shika toy!," Jeff says while,albeit reluctantly and frowning,handing the toy to the other little guy and the play session continues.

So the day is saved thanks to Mama J who‘s just taught her son to call older kids ‘mtoto‘..*hides*...but he‘s also learning to share!!

Case Of The Messy Feeder

Lately he‘s been expressing great interest in spoonfeeding himself.During these times however,the spoon frequently has a way of landing anywhere else but his mouth!We end up with a feeder soaked in porridge after most porridge sessions.

Sometimes my impatient nature takes the best of me and I just want to feed him-it's faster and less


BUT little man is growing!So I will allow the feeder to get messy..together with his cheeks...and the dining table...and his clothes...and his hands..and the floor..sometimes even me...basically everything within a one metre radius!!Because that is how they learn,that is how they grow these little ones.


So Mama Jeff gets home;yea at some point you catch on with your son's newly found habit of referring to oneself in the third person.So anyway I get home and little man and I head for our normal bonding session in my room.

I plan to do my nails-polish them and what not-both toe and finger nails and the agenda is to teach babyboy that tutex,as he calls it,is for girls and not boys.

Of Spell Checking,Biros and Notebooks

So little man is all about biros and writing of late and I've decided this evening I'll get him a 'rough book' and hand him a biro so that he can write or is it doodle away:D

I walk to our book shelf and guess what I come across?A little notebook with my handwriting in it,with different dates in 1996;that was Class Two for Mama Jeff.

Kind-a Traffic Updates By Karambu Luruti

Written in a May 2017 Facebook post;edited in June 2020 OTC. The first time I saw this word I was seated in Pangani Girls High School. Fo...